Kjersti Jensen & Kathrine Gunstad
14. nov, 2022
🥰So proud of BEJCH FRJCH* Kalexas Bentley Brooklands “Benti”🥰
(Kalexas Mini Morris x Kalexas River Dee)
Today in Soings en Sologne in France for judge Philippe Lammens he passed his TAN and Sélectif A! And togheter with his results from the National d’ élevage in September and him passing all his health tests he is now qualified to apply for the French JCH title!
The first Norwegian bred flatcoat with this title (as far as I know of)
We are so proud of this young boy and all his achievements!
Congratulations to his owners Nancy Vercruysse and Stefaan de Vriese, kennel Flat Passion’s in Belgium and of course a big kiss for Vera Ozeel who loves and takes so well care of our Benti 🌟🥇🌟
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